For a news story covering the first workshop, click here.
To see photos of the first workshop, click here.
Event Type: Environmental & Gardening Programs
Age Group(s): All Ages
Date: 4/2/2011
Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM
An introductory, hands-on workshop on the fundamentals of raising chickens such as: local laws and resources, benefits of chickens, the basics (breeds, housing, feeding, health, chicken development), biosecurity, and getting started. $15.00 fee for this class.
Location: Palmer Farms - 8315 Palmer Blvd, Sarasota
Other Information:
To pay by credit card, go to:
Contact: Dr. Robert KlusonContact Number: 861-9900
Presenter: Dr. Robert Kluson
Link: To Pay by Credit Card
I see that this even is sold out. When will the next one be scheduled?