
Friday, March 22, 2013

County Fair, Easter Warning, Big Manatee and North Port News

Sarasota County Fair

Still a couple of days left at the Sarasota County Fair (ends Sunday March 24th). Check out the prize winning chickens, and the baby chicks. Special thanks to Tom Dye who produced some CLUCK flyers that are available and the Kleinschmidt Chicken Tractors are on display.

Easter is approaching and while CLUCK cannot independently confirm the statistics cited in the photo below, it is worth emphasizing that acquiring a pet is not a decision that should be taken lightly or impulsively. This year the stakes are higher because last year the Governor signed into law a change that will allow people to sell dyed chicks.

While weird, the colorful chicks are hard to resist, but don't take the bait. For one thing, these are "straight run" chicks --meaning roughly half will turn out to be roosters (and with average luck it will turn out to be more than half). 
Any pet is a big commitment and should not be undertaken without deliberation and preparation. To find out if you are ready to be a chicken owner, try CLUCK's Are you Ready for Chickens Quiz.

Big News Out of Manatee County
According to the Bradenton Herald, the Manatee County Commission will take up backyard chickens this coming Tuesday March 26th at 10:00 am. This is not a done deal, and local chicken supporters should show up (wearing yellow if possible) but it is encouraging that the Bradenton Herald editorial board has endorsed the idea. Best of luck to our neighbor CLUCK. 

Big News Out of North Port
And in North Port the news is that at  9:00 am on Thursday April 4th, the ordinance drafted by staff will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board. For more on this story, click on the highlighted text: Spotlight shifts to North Port

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