
Monday, February 7, 2011

Final Approval for City of Sarasota's "Chicken Ordinance" Today!

After 18 months of campaigning, negotiating, strategizing, constituency-building, lobbying, researching, blogging, compromising, organizing, listening, meeting, and arguing, it was all over in a few minutes. The Sarasota City Commission had the 'second reading' of Ordinance 11-4955 on the consent agenda and, since none of the Commissioners felt a need to 'pull' the item for further clarification or modification, it passed quickly and easily -- an anticlimax for what at some points seemed to some like a major neighborhood-destroying, real estate value eroding, public health menace community issue.

It replaced Ordinance 99-4163 and it ushers in an entirely new era for Sarasota CLUCK. If you are among those rolling the idea of backyard chickens around in your mind, please read both CLUCK's Annotated Version of the Ordinance and take the Are you Ready for Backyard Chickens? Quiz. And, if after that, you are still thinking about getting a few hens, please sign up for one of the "Chickens 101" classes offered by the Sarasota County Extension Office.

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