
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Public Radio Food Show Profiles Backyard Chickens

The Splendid Table, the syndicated public [radio] show for people who love to eat featured (Jan. 29th) an 8:45 minute segment on backyard chickens. The host Lynne Rossetto Kaspar interviews author Jenna Woginrich.  Among some of the comments: "I learned pretty quick that they all have their own personalities and quirks and eating habits and they get moody, they get sick, they get healthy..."  AND "You want a bird that's calm and quiet and doesn't make a fuss, and I think a breed like a Buff Orphington or Brahma is a great first laying hen. They're good in most seasons and lay right through the winter and unlike other birds that can be a little more scrappy they are very calm, they don't make a big fuss, and your neighbors will never know you even have chickens if you stick to those heavy laying breeds." AND "If you can wait in line to buy a cup of coffee, you have enough time on your hands to raise chickens in your backyard."

To listen to the january 29th 2011 Splendid Table show, click here and look for EPISODE RUNDOWN on the left, then click on Raising City Chickens, highlighted in red.

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