
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Seattle Bans Roosters!

City of Sarasota planning staff wisely considered what other communities have done when they drafted the changes to the City Code regarding chickens. One of the places they may have looked is the City of Seattle, which this past summer only allowed three chickens, including roosters. Seattle just recently fine-tuned their rules and decided enough with the roosters. Existing roosters are "grandfeathered" in, but no new ones will be allowed.

But other aspects of the chicken rules have also changed and the City now allows eight hens.

Does Seattle's shift support CLUCK's contention that six hens is a more appropriate number than four? We'd like to think so. Banning roosters and implementing a ten foot property line setback brings Seattle's rules more in line with what our City staff came up with. Now we have to ask if our city shouldn't rethink the proposed four hen limit.

What is your position on how hard to push for six hens? Participate in the poll on the right hand side of the CLUCK Blog.

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