
Friday, January 18, 2013

Five more locales approve backyard hens

What do Rockford MI, Canon City CO, South Bend IN, San Marino CA, and Upper Dublin PA all have in common? 

They are all places that approved the keeping of backyard hens in January of 2013.

Another CHICKENS '101' Workshop

Success with chickens starts with a realistic understanding of what is involved. If you didn't grow up with chickens, one of the best ways to get started is a workshop that covers the basics.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

CLUCK's "Fried Egg" Tee-Shirt Now Available

Responding to pent-up demand, and just in time for the two-year anniversary of the City's revised chicken ordinance, Sarasota CLUCK announces the "Fried Egg" Sarasota CLUCK Tee-Shirt from Zazzle. 
This is the back of the shirt.

Monday, January 14, 2013

North Port to Consider Chicken Ordinance

Today a North Port Commission workshop inched the City one baby-step closer to considering a change that would allow backyard hens in single family areas.

Commissioner Jones has been hospitalized, so only four commissioners were present to discuss the staff presentation.

The discussion started with public testimony that included a young home-schooled girl that corrected a number of common misconceptions about chickens. Another speaker wanted to correct some statements that had appeared in print. If there was to be a fee, she favored a one-time fee, not an annual expense. She also thought chicken tractors were a good idea. Another speaker talked about the need to limit the idea specifically to chickens and not poultry in general. Finally, CLUCK advocate Jono Miller offered the assistance of the organization that led the 18 month campaign to revise the City of Sarasota's chicken rules.