
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CLUCK SQUAWK: Urinary Tract Infections May be Linked to Store-Bought Chicken!

In another case of the fox reporting on the henhouse, FOX News has reported that "Chickens may ultimately be to blame for the majority of urinary tract infection in the U.S." This sensational claim is based on a Center for Disease Control (CDC) study that found that that strains of E. coli believed to cause UTIs in women matched the strains of E. coli found in retail chicken meat. The most noteworthy aspect of this linkage is that "the bacteria did not come from any contamination during the preparation process, but from the chicken itself."

But don't take FOX News word for it. Here's a link to the actual CDC report: 

Tell the Governor: Just Say NO to Dyeing Baby Chicks

According to a story in the Orlando Sentinel, one dog groomer in Broward County convinced Ellen Bogdanoff (R. Ft Lauderdale) to introduce legislation that would allowing dyeing dogs for show. The result is a bill on the Governor's desk that would also allow dyeing of baby chicks and rabbits. 

UPDATE APRIL 6, ACCORDING TO A MIAMI NEWS BLOG, THE GOVERNOR HAD ALREADY SIGNED IT INTO LAW -- BUT that was WRONG. He has until Saturday the 7th to veto, otherwise it becomes law without his signature. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Backyard Chicken Keeping @ Ecofest April 14th 2012

Are you planning to go to Ecofest, this April 14th? If so, consider checking out a 45 minute presentation that starts at 2:00 p.m.  Poultry breeder, Glenna Roberts, Urban Chicken Tractor Builder, Ira Kleinschmidt and County Extension Agent Rob Kluson will be talking about backyard chicken keeping. Look for them close to Five Points Park.