
Monday, October 4, 2010

CLUCK meeting featured disparate breeds

Dozens of adults and kids crowded around nearly twenty local chickens (some outlaws living a life of crime in the City of Sarasota) as a variety of chicken keepers described the personalities and egg laying reliability.

Jono Miller summarized the status of negotiations with the City and Rob Kluson announced the first Extension-sponsored chicken workship, which will be held Saturday November 13th. Cost will be $10 and there will be a limit of 20 participants. More information will be posted here on the blog regarding location and how to sign up.

Our next meeting will be November 5th at the City of Sarasota Police Station. Mark your calendars. 7:00 p.m.

Ringling College student Jaime Vega is interested in taking photographs of people with their chickens. Please contact respond to this posting with a comment if you are interested and we'll have Jaime contact you.